Monday, April 12, 2010

Cherry poppin' benefit

As of this past Saturday we, Mercy Flirts, have officially played our first show! Though there wasn't as large of a turnout as expected we still had a great time playing and helping to raise money for a good cause. Thanks again to our good friend Yesenia for planning the event and all of you who came out to give your support! Lotsa shows and announcements on the horizon so stay tuned...

More photos from the show coming soon, but in the meantime here are a few snapped by Yesenia herself:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring ahead!

The Mercy Flirts train is gearin' up to pull outta the station and tear up the music scene! Several shows are lined up as well as a possible radio appearance. We're very excited and are hard at work on making sure we bring y'all the best show possible. Most pressing is our first show this Saturday April 10th. We are honored to play this benefit and help our friend raise money for a very worthwhile cause.

There will be more and more updates as we really begin to get rollin' so be sure to check back here, our facebook fan page or our myspace for upcoming shows, music and more!!